Two Sisters and John, John 1: 19-50

…, “Look! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!” He is the one I was talking about when I said, “A man is coming after me who is far greater than I am, for he existed long before me.” - John 1:29-30, NLT
The sisters, Lacey and Lindsay, dive back in with Part 2 of 'Two Sisters and John,' exploring John 1:19-50. This passage reveals the beginning of something extraordinary as Jesus steps into His role as the 'Lamb of God.' John the Baptist, faced with skeptical religious leaders, declares he's just the forerunner of someone far greater. Then comes Jesus, whose presence draws in His first followers. Andrew and another disciple of John hear the call, and Andrew brings his brother Simon (soon to be Peter) to meet Jesus. The story unfolds with Philip and Nathanael, who’s won over when Jesus reveals divine insight. Witness the awe-inspiring start of Jesus' ministry, where humble beginnings mark the start of a movement destined to change the world. Join Lacey and Lindsay as they unpack this story of calling, transformation, and the beginning of the Savior's mission."
Other topics you will hear:
* Fulfilling Old Testament prophesy
* Identity 
* Overcoming skepticism 
* Relationship with Jesus
* Coming and seeing
* Humility 
* Life purposes
* Power of testimony
* Inviting others to encountering Jesus
* God sees and knows us personally 


 Bible Resources:

NLT Bible:

Pastoral Consultant: Senior pastor, Gary Stump at Onward Church, Fishers,IN;
Two Sisters and John, John 1: 19-50
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